Joy comes from connections - connections with yourself, nature, and others.
Every day we are surrounded by the opportunity to experience joy. We just do not take the time to see it.
Abundant Everyday Joy is a place to experience everyday joy. Simple short meditations show by example. Ordinary things - a cup of coffee, the morning sun, a walk around the block, even thoughts are seen through the filter of awe and amazement.
The work is divided into two sections:
Breathe In - Breathe Out holds the poetry of short daily reflections.
Through Fresh Eyes contains a deeper exploration of topics of the soul.
Abundant Everyday Joy is written by a Spiritual Seeker for those interested in their own Spiritual Growth. Since joy is not limited to one faith, this work is not based on a particular faith but rather encompasses lessons gleaned from many.
I hope you enjoy the work, and look forward to your comments.